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Q. Why am I receiving a bill from S-K-F ? 

a. Commercial. This is your sewer service bill. Fees are based on the specific type of business. b. Residential. This is your sewer service bill. Fees are based on a flat residential rate. This is billed quarterly to newly constructed residences until the next July when a full year's sewer service charge is billed to you along with your property taxes. At that time you will no longer be billed directly by S-K-F.
Click here for current rates/fees.

Q. Why is there an S-K-F charge on my property taxes? 

a. This is your yearly sewer service charges broken down into two parts. The largest portion is used to operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant and sewers. The smaller portion is set aside to refurbish and repair the sewer lines for each city.

Q. Where do I pay my bill? 

a. You can either mail in your payment with the enclosed return envelope or you may pay your bill in person at our office. 

Q. I have a sewer problem. Can S-K-F help? 

a. S-K-F's maintenance department will do a limited number of courtesy plunges but will refer you to a plumber of your choice when the problem is in your lateral line (the line that connects your property to the main line.) There is no cost when S-K-F visits your home. Main lines are cleaned on a regular schedule.

Q. How do I request public documents? 

a. You can call or visit the District office to request any public documents, or click the following link to download the request form. Once filled out and saved, please email to:

Public Records Request Form.


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