S-K-F CSD Laboratory Division
The S-K-F CSD laboratory has two distinct but overlapping functions – sampling and analysis of a variety of environmental samples, and implementation of the District’s federally approved pretreatment (or industrial source control) program. The functions are carried out by a staff of four, which includes the Laboratory Director and three Environmental Technicians.
Sampling and Analysis
The laboratory is certified by the State of California, Department of Health Services Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP Certificate No. 1648) for the following Fields of Testing:
FoT 102 Inorganic Chemistry of Drinking Water;
FoT 108 Inorganic Chemistry of Wastewater.
Approximately 20,000 analyses are performed annually on about 4,000 environmental samples. About 40% of the samples collected are treatment plant process samples, and the analyses are performed to assist the Treatment Division with treatment plant process control and to determine compliance with the District?s Waste Discharge Requirements, issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. About 35% of the samples collected are industrial discharge samples. Most of these samples are taken to ensure fair and equitable industrial billing, but a significant number are taken to ensure compliance with pretreatment program requirements. Various potable water samples are taken for microbiological and chemical analyses. Approximately 20% of all laboratory analyses are for quality control alone, and include performance evaluation samples, replicate analyses, and ?spiked samples?.
Pretreatment Program
The District’s pretreatment program has been developed and implemented to prevent the introduction of pollutants which may interfere with the treatment process or pass through the treatment plant, to maintain the high quality of biosolids produced by the treatment process, and to protect District employees from chemical hazards. The program has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Regional Board, and includes the following features:
1. Identification and permitting of industrial users;
2. Regular monitoring of industrial dischargers to determine compliance with the District’s Sewer Use Ordinance;
3. Enforcement of Sewer Use Ordinance;
4. Quarterly and Annual Reports to regulatory agencies.
Implementation of this pretreatment program accounts for about 50% of laboratory resources.