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The treatment and disposal department is responsible for the treatment and disposal of over one billion gallons annually of wastewater emanating from within the service boundaries of the District. The department collects 728 individual influent and effluent samples and 200 miscellaneous samples annually in accordance with the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 5-01-255.

These samples are analyzed by the laboratory department to meet water quality standards as well as Environmental Protection Agency Biosolids 503 Requirements for Agricultural Beneficial Reuse. The operators also take over 3,500 dissolved oxygen and temperature readings using instrumentation annually for operational control of the biological treatment units. The department is responsible for building and grounds maintenance of 30 acres of treatment units, 20 acres of biosolids dewatering and processing areas, 120 acres of effluent evaporation and percolation pond area and 20 acres of storm water collection for ground water recharge, 140 acres of former sludge disposal area, as well as 220 acres of buffer zones surrounding the facilities.


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