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 Wastewater Rate Study April 2024 
Capital Improvement Program 

A capital improvement program is a blueprint for planning the District's capital
expenditures and is one of the most important responsibilities of local government
officials. It coordinates community planning, financial planning and physical
A capital improvement program is composed of two parts -- a capital budget and a
capital program. The capital budget is the upcoming year's spending plan for capital
items (tangible assets or projects that cost at least $8,000 and have a useful life of at least
five years). The capital program is a plan for capital expenditures that extends ten years
beyond the capital budget.
The CIP will insure sound fiscal and capital planning and requires effective leadership
and the involvement and cooperation of all District departments.
The goals of the CIP are to:
 Facilitate coordination between capital needs and operating budgets.
 Enhance the District's credit rating, control its fee rates, and avoid sudden changes
in its debt service requirements.
 Identify the most economical means of financing capital projects.
 Increase opportunities for obtaining federal and state aid.
 Relate public facilities to other public and private development and
redevelopment policies and programs.
 Keep the public informed about future needs and projects.
 Encourage careful project planning and design to avoid costly mistakes and help
the District accomplish its Mission Statement and goals.

FINAL CIP 3-2024.pdfFINAL CIP 4-2023.pdfFINAL CIP 05-2022.pdfFInal-CIP-5-14-2021.pdfCIP Final 5-14-20.pdfCIP FNL 7-1-2019.pdfFINAL 2018 CIP MARCH-27.pdf
Ordinance-2024-01 Establishment of Sewer Service Charges.pdfW-92016 Strategic PlanSewer Use Oridinance 92M.O.U. 2023-2025
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